Customized seminars conducted by STI ME
Based on company needs, Steinbeis Management Education is able to provide customized seminars focusing on
- specific topics (e.g. project controlling, accounting for engineers, etc.)
- integration of company-specific issues, challenges and surroundings
- Curriculum will be developed together with the customer and lecturer based on specific needs to be addressed in these types of seminar
Most of the seminars are taught in English. Upon specific request by the company, it may also be possible to offer in-house seminars in German.
Technik trifft Ethik –
KI zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit
Impulse und Lösungen für einen verantwortungsvollen Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz im Unternehmensalltag
Alumni Event am
Montag, 20.11.2023, 14:00 – ca. 20:00 Uhr,
Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart
Managing with success in Asia
In this 2.5-day program, participants will develop a broad understanding of the business systems and cultural challenges in the Asian business environment, e.g. hiring and retention, government relations and IP management. Through this program, they will develop skills in „reading the situation“ and devise a conceptual framework for cooperation with their respective teams in various regions across Asia. Participants will also achieve clarity on mistaken assumptions associated with the dichotomy of establishing global partnerships in Asia.
Mastering Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation is at the top of any CEO’s agenda, but can it be mastered like any other big managerial challenge? What makes digitalization different from the first wave of digitalization where companies introduced CRMs like Salesforce or ERPs like SAP? In this course, we not only talk about the issue but also work on the participant’s digital business models.
The course is organized in the following blocks:
- What is new about digitalization? What happens if things not only become smart but can also act? How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used today? What are the perils of current use cases in AI? How does management have to react to AI
,if it is confronted with probabilities and not certainty anymore? What are the limitations of AI today? - What are the economics of digitalization? How are the digital economics – like network effects – different from business in the physical world? What do these economics mean to management and how does management have to change? In this world, can a profitable no. 3 exist in the market?
- The 3 horizons of innovation and how to master them: Innovation comes in very different forms and horizons and all have to be managed differently. Are agile methods good for any innovation project? What is the difference in management of complex vs. complicated innovation projects?
- New boxes for strategizing. Business models and ecosystems of connected business models are the new units for analysis and strategizing. We need these new boxes to see where change is coming from and where we have to build up capabilities to master digital transformation.
- Customer centricity as the prerequisite for transformation: Technology is not the key to digital transformation but customer centricity. Companies have to refocus away from products to the basic needs they serve or the jobs they perform for their customers, like mobility for example.
- Digital Transformation is business model innovation: Digital Transformation is always a radical change in the business model aka business model innovation. What are the strategies of B2B companies like Hilti or Würth to master this challenge?
- An agile process for digital transformation & new work culture: What culture do you need in your company? What is an agile process to learn and execute faster? What works in digital and what does not work?
Finance and Controlling
Topics covered in this 2-day seminar:
- The role of accounting information in management (introduction to relevant costs)
- Cost-volume-profit analyses
- Using accounting information for decision-making
- Capital budgeting
- Cost estimation
- Cost allocations
International Financial Management
This one-day course deals with aspects related to international financial markets and exchange rates. There will be a focus on issues that are especially relevant from the point of view of individual firms. Topics include pricing in the foreign currency and Eurocurrency markets, use of forward exchange for hedging, international portfolio diversifications, market efficiency in the international markets for equity and bonds, foreign currency options, international capital asset pricing, pricing of foreign currency bonds, currency swaps, foreign currency loans and international risk management.
(dieses Seminar ist deutschsprachig/this seminar is held in German)
Schwerpunkte dieses zweitägigen Seminars:
Erfolgreiches Marketing beginnt mit der Produktidee und erstreckt sich bis zur direkten Vermarktung an die Endkunden. Daher ist es wichtig, dass Führungskräfte im technischen Bereich sich aktiv und kompetent an der Planung der Marketing- und Vertriebsprozesse beteiligen.
- Die Funktion und Bedeutung des Marketings im modernen Unternehmen
- Markanalyse und Marktforschung
- Marketingstrategien
- Segmentierung, Zielgruppenauswahl, Positionierung
- Marketing-Mix
- Erstellung und Umsetzung von Marketingplänen
Praxisorientierte Unterrichtsmethode mit Präsentationen, Gruppenarbeiten und Fallstudien. Im Mittelpunkt steht der intensive fachliche Austausch der Teilnehmer untereinander sowie mit dem Referenten.
Thinking Strategically, Acting Operationally
This course introduces the basic concepts and principles on which business strategy is based, but then focuses on how those concepts and principles have to be translated into action at the operational level. We emphasize the importance of establishing clear performance goals and measures that are aligned with the strategy of the organization.
Individual Leadership Performance
- The leadership pipeline
- Strategic leadership feedback to managers
- Exploration of strategic leadership challenges
- Dealing with personal and critical incidents
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Influencing and persuasion
- Using interviews, using role plays
- Confidence building
- Transformational / empathic leadership
- Listening / consulting more
- Coaching
- Improving interpersonal impact
- Creating a positive working climate
- Process vs. content skills
- Examination of critical stakeholder engagement as a strategic leadership skill
3–4 day seminar
Agile Transformation braucht innovative Kommunikation
„Nach wie vor sind mit den Mitarbeitern, und nicht etwa mit der Technik oder dem Budget, die größten Herausforderungen in den digitalen Transformationsprozessen verbunden. Digitale Transformation ist (und bleibt) eine Kopfsache.“ (Studie Handelsblatt Research Institut 2020).
Montag, den 02.05.2022, online Impuls und Austausch:
18.00 – 18.45 Uhr:
Impuls mit Use Case „Agile Transformation braucht innovative Kommunikation“ von Management Partner GmbH
18.45 – ca. 19.30 Uhr:
Zeit für alle, die sich zum Thema vernetzen und austauschen wollen
Neben einer agilen Arbeitsweise braucht es für eine erfolgreiche Transformation insbesondere eine Art der Kommunikation, die Lust auf Veränderung macht und dauerhaft etwas in den Köpfen bewegt.
Erhalten Sie Einblick in einen Transformationsprozess anhand des o.g. Use Cases:
Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen agiler und klassischer Vorgehensweise der Transformation?
Welche innovativen Herangehensweisen der Kommunikation lösen nachhaltig Bewegung aus?
Alumni Fresh-up Seminars
You have participated in one of the Management Education Network (MEN) programs. But since then time has moved on and may be it is time to brush-up your knowledge on special topics again?
Therefore, we offer several one-day seminars (online or face-to-face in Stuttgart) with new insides to learned topics.
Alumni Gathering, Friday, 20th May 2022
Eventually we are able to meet again in person! So this year’s Alumni Gathering will take place in Stuttgart at the High Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart.
16:30 h Welcome
16:40 h „Digital Transformation“
17:00 h Introduction to the HLRS incl. guided tour
18:30 h „Artificial Intelligence“
19:00 h Gathering with finger food and drinks
20:00 h official end
Digitale Transformation braucht neue digitale Werkzeuge für die Weiterbildung, 31.05.2022
Die digitale Transformation erfordert neues Denken und neue Konzepte.
Die Personalabteilungen vermitteln die Kompetenzen dazu und sind zugleich selbst zur Transformation verpflichtet.
Aber mit der Digitalisierung um der Digitalisierung Willen ist es nicht getan. Unter anderem geht es darum Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Daten schneller zu verarbeiten und neue Daten erheben bzw. auswerten zu können.
Doch bei der Bandbreite an verfügbaren digitalen Lösungen gilt es die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Ansprüche genau zu prüfen und die dazu passenden digitalen Werkzeuge zu identifizieren.
Dienstag, den 31.05.2022, online Impuls und Austausch:
18.00 – 18.45 Uhr:
Impuls mit Use Case „Digitale Transformation braucht neue digitale Werkzeuge für die Weiterbildung“
von SGM Educational Solutions
18.45 – ca. 19.30 Uhr:
Zeit für alle, die sich zum Thema vernetzen und austauschen wollen
Die Bedeutung von KI-Prozessen zur Um-und Durchsetzung von Marken
Kaminabend mit Günther Käfer von Campus Marke, der Podcast-Serie, die Markenthemen auf den Punkt bringt) und
Prof. Joachim Warschat, STI Management Education
Mittwoch, 29.06.2022, 19:00 – ca. 20:30 Uhr, Stuttgart